Why Ikigai?

Address: 4400 MacArthur Blvd, Suite 202

Washington, DC

Phone: 978-893-331

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Ikigai, or purpose, is a Japanese concept dating back to the Heian period in Japan. The Japanese word “iki” translates to life. Additionally, the “gai” portion of the word comes from the word “kai” meaning shell. During the Heian period, shells were very valuable (Dayman, 2020). Thus, the association of value to work remains in translating ikigai into “life purpose.” Since then, the ikigai concept has been followed and applied to areas known as Blue Zones. Blue Zones are areas in which residents have longer life expectancy than other parts of the world (Mogi, 2019).

Our big vision for our small school is for every learner to find their ikigai and lead a happy and satisfying life. We know it encompasses so many factors, including those that are not under our control. However, we believe that we can equip our learners with skills that will help them to become resilient, happy and capable adults who can weather the storms of life and contribute to a better world. Children learn very well through following examples. Therefore, our mission is to surround them with acceptance, care and respect. We believe that when the trust is earned, you can start your work as a teacher and your work will be successful.